Sunday, November 9, 2008

How to remove the auto shutdown virus on my laptop

This afternoon, I got soooo pissed because I discovered that my laptop got infected with this annoying virus. I'm not soo sure what the virus' name is but it carries a filename "pc-off.bat".  

What pissed me off was when I tried using my windows xp's command line (cmd) on the run prompt, the computer immediately shut off after the command line window opened.  I immediately panicked when I learned that my computer was infected with an auto shutdown virus. 

The first thing I did is to do a complete computer scan using my anti-virus but it did not do the trick.  The anti-virus program was not able to remove the pest in my computer.

Thank Google I found the article from TechyKid about removing the auto shutdown virus.  The site contains detailed instructions on how to remove the virus manually.  The process was an ease. It didn't take me long to get rid of that darn virus in my operating system.  After a few clicks and tweaks, my Windows is back to its normal running condition. Thanks TechyKid for that wonderful tutorial.  I hope more people can create tutorials such as the one's TechyKid did.

Friday, January 18, 2008

MacBook Air, released

Steve Jobs recently release the world's thinnest laptop, the new Macbook Air. Equipped with 1.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, it proves that smaller size won't compromise power.